How to order

Unfortunately, at the moment we can not take orders through the website. However, there are many ways in which you can order your products.

By phone

Portland Dairies is a customer-centric business and we are always available to answer your questions. If you'd like to place an order or want to find out more information, please feel free to contact 07922577721. 

You can call, text or leave a voicemail and we will get back to you very soon after.

By email

Again, if you would prefer to talk over email, you can reach us at

Payment options

** Most popular: Weekly via your online banking. 

Just set up the direct debit and never worry about forgetting to pay again! Get in touch for the bank details. 

Payment over the phone. 

You are welcome to pay over the phone by card.


If you would prefer to pay via cash, feel free to leave this in a secure location outside of your home, contact us and let us know, and we will happily collect it.